viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Grammar is Fun!

Nik egiten dut... 

And, here the difference between the PRESENT SIMPLE and the PRESENT CONTINUOS
This is a review of the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or as we say in Basque "egiten ari naiz" verbal time. Check it out and enjoy it as much as you can!
Now, we should talk about the MODAL VERBS. debería, podría hacer, es capaz de and so and so forth.
Now, we need to start learning how to use THE PAST TENSE edo, as we say in Basque, lehenaldia.
Here, the PAST TENSE in affirmatives, negarives and questions. And you can use your knoledge about pronounciation and the phonetic alphabet!

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Here you have got a "power point" about the COMPARISON IN ENGLISH. Check it out before doing any exercise!

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

How to Give an Excellent Oral Presentation

, eHow Contributor
Oral presentations are usually required at some point during a person's experience in middle school or high school. College also often presents opportunities for oral presentations. Being able to perform well in oral presentations is a skill that not only benefits you as a student, but also can give you an advantage in terms of your career and your community involvement. Giving an excellent oral presentation is something that must be learned and practiced as you focus on multiple aspects of speaking publicly.


o                                                        1
Choose your subject matter carefully. If you give an oral presentation on something about which you are passionate, you will be more likely to perform well.
o                                                        2
Study your facts. If you don't know what you are talking about, you will discredit yourself entirely.
o                                                        3
Write an outline or notes for your speech. Then condense these notes into a note card or two. Even if you don't have to rely on the cards, it's good to have them with you just in case you lose your place.
o                                                        4
Memorize as much of your presentation as possible. This will keep you from having to rely on notes too much, which can be distracting to your audience.
o                                                        5
Employ the use of one or more visual aids. If people can see and hear your presentation you are more likely to hold their attention.
o                                                        6
Practice your presentation alone and then in front of one or two people. Ask for constructive input.
o                                                        7
Stand with erect posture and make frequent eye contact with your audience. This communicates confidence and will cause your audience to be more likely to listen to what you have to say.